Experienced Consultant

John has over 20 years' experience as a Leadership & Development specialist with a passion for program design and facilitation. He also has an extensive network of highly skilled consultants who he engages for special projects and assignments.

Executive Coaching

My approach is of a professional, informal nature, respecting individual needs, yet focused on delivering behavioural change and performance improvement.

Training Programs

RED specialises in developing the capability and confidence of teams and individuals. I’m accredited in a range of psychometric profiling tools including 'DiSC', MBTI and a range of Emotional Intelligence assessment tools including MSCIET and Six Seconds.

Company Overview

Red Learning and Development has been operating since 2007. I’ve always been fascinated in human behaviour and understanding why people do what they do.

My current studies in Social Psychology coupled with my various Senior Leadership roles and Post Graduate Management qualifications has enabled me to deliver practical and highly valued team and individual leadership programs to 100’s of companies, across a diverse range of industries.

My clients range from SME’s to multinational corporations across a diverse range of industries including construction, resources and mining, hospitality and services industries and various government departments.

I am also accredited in a wide range of psychometric tools, including DiSC, MBTI, Six Seconds and MSCIET which I utilise where I know they will add value.

Coaching Program

A key passion and growing focus for John is his highly successful Coaching program. Capitalising on his wealth of experience and his natural approachable and practical personality John provides expert support and guidance while challenging his clients to be open to changing what needs to be changed.